
K-NN and Linear Regression

Session learning objectives: KNN

  • Recognize situations where a regression analysis would be appropriate for making predictions.
  • Explain the K-nearest neighbors (K-NN) regression algorithm and describe how it differs from K-NN classification.
  • Interpret the output of a K-NN regression.
  • In a data set with two or more variables, perform K-nearest neighbors regression in Python.
  • Evaluate K-NN regression prediction quality in Python using the root mean squared prediction error (RMSPE).
  • Estimate the RMSPE in Python using cross-validation or a test set.
  • Choose the number of neighbors in K-nearest neighbors regression by minimizing estimated cross-validation RMSPE.
  • Describe underfitting and overfitting, and relate it to the number of neighbors in K-nearest neighbors regression.
  • Describe the advantages and disadvantages of K-nearest neighbors regression.

Session learning objective: Linear Regression

  • Use Python to fit simple and multivariable linear regression models on training data.
  • Evaluate the linear regression model on test data.
  • Compare and contrast predictions obtained from K-nearest neighbors regression to those obtained using linear regression from the same data set.
  • Describe how linear regression is affected by outliers and multicollinearity.

The regression problem

  • Predictive problem
  • Use past information to predict future observations
  • Predict numerical values instead of categorical values


  • Race time in the Boston marathon
  • size of a house to predict its sale price

Regression Methods

In this workshop:

  • K-nearest neighbors
  • Linear regression

Classification similarities to regression

Concepts from classification map over to the setting of regression

  • Predict a new observation’s response variable based on past observations
  • Split the data into training and test sets
  • Use cross-validation to evaluate different choices of model parameters


Predicting numerical variables instead of categorical variables

Explore a data set

932 real estate transactions in Sacramento, California

Can we use the size of a house in the Sacramento, CA area to predict its sale price?

Data and package setup

import altair as alt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV, train_test_split
from sklearn.compose import make_column_transformer
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn import set_config

# Output dataframes instead of arrays

sacramento = pd.read_csv('data/sacramento.csv')
                city     zip  beds  baths  sqft         type   price  \
0         SACRAMENTO  z95838     2    1.0   836  Residential   59222   
1         SACRAMENTO  z95823     3    1.0  1167  Residential   68212   
..               ...     ...   ...    ...   ...          ...     ...   
930        ELK_GROVE  z95758     4    2.0  1685  Residential  235301   
931  EL_DORADO_HILLS  z95762     3    2.0  1362  Residential  235738   

      latitude   longitude  
0    38.631913 -121.434879  
1    38.478902 -121.431028  
..         ...         ...  
930  38.417000 -121.397424  
931  38.655245 -121.075915  

[932 rows x 9 columns]

Price vs Sq.Ft

K-nearest neighbors regression

# look at a small sample of data

small_sacramento = sacramento.sample(n=30)
           city     zip  beds  baths  sqft         type   price   latitude  \
538   ELK_GROVE  z95758     3    3.0  2503  Residential  484500  38.409689   
304     ROCKLIN  z95765     4    2.0  2607  Residential  402000  38.805749   
..          ...     ...   ...    ...   ...          ...     ...        ...   
559  SACRAMENTO  z95817     2    1.0  1080  Residential   65000  38.544162   
917  SACRAMENTO  z95834     3    2.0  1665  Residential  224000  38.631026   

538 -121.446059  
304 -121.280931  
..          ...  
559 -121.460652  
917 -121.501879  

[30 rows x 9 columns]

Sample: Example

House price of 2000

5 closest neighbors

Sample: Predict

5 closest points

small_sacramento['dist'] = (2000 - small_sacramento['sqft']).abs()
nearest_neighbors = small_sacramento.nsmallest(5, 'dist')
               city     zip  beds  baths  sqft         type   price  \
298      SACRAMENTO  z95823     4    2.0  1900  Residential  361745   
718        ANTELOPE  z95843     4    2.0  2160  Residential  290000   
748       ROSEVILLE  z95678     3    2.0  1744  Residential  326951   
252      SACRAMENTO  z95835     3    2.5  1718  Residential  250000   
211  RANCHO_CORDOVA  z95670     3    2.0  1671  Residential  175000   

      latitude   longitude  dist  
298  38.487409 -121.461413   100  
718  38.704554 -121.354753   160  
748  38.771917 -121.304439   256  
252  38.676658 -121.528128   282  
211  38.591477 -121.315340   329  

Average of nearest points

prediction = nearest_neighbors['price'].mean()

Sample: Visualize new prediction


Training, evaluating, and tuning the model


sacramento_train, sacramento_test = train_test_split(
    sacramento, train_size=0.75


We are not specifying the stratify argument. The train_test_split() function cannot stratify on a quantitative variable

Metric: RMS(P)E

Root Mean Square (Prediction) Error

\[\text{RMSPE} = \sqrt{\frac{1}{n}\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n}(y_i - \hat{y}_i)^2}\]


  • \(n\) is the number of observations,
  • \(y_i\) is the observed value for the \(i^\text{th}\) observation, and
  • \(\hat{y}_i\) is the forecasted/predicted value for the \(i^\text{th}\) observation.

Metric: Visualize


Root Mean Square (Prediction) Error

  • RMSPE: the error calculated on the non-training dataset
  • RMSE: the error calcualted on the training dataset

This notation is a statistics distinction, you will most likely see RMSPE written as RMSE.

Pick the best k: GridSearchCV()

We’ll use cross validation to try out many different values of k

# import the K-NN regression model
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor

# preprocess the data, make the pipeline
sacr_preprocessor = make_column_transformer((StandardScaler(), ['sqft']))
sacr_pipeline = make_pipeline(sacr_preprocessor, KNeighborsRegressor())

# create the 5-fold GridSearchCV object
param_grid = {
    'kneighborsregressor__n_neighbors': range(1, 201, 3),
sacr_gridsearch = GridSearchCV(
    scoring='neg_root_mean_squared_error',  # we will deal with this later

Pick the best k: fit the CV models

# fit the GridSearchCV object
    sacramento_train[['sqft']],  # A single-column data frame
    sacramento_train['price'],  # A series

# Retrieve the CV scores
sacr_results = pd.DataFrame(sacr_gridsearch.cv_results_)
sacr_results['sem_test_score'] = sacr_results['std_test_score'] / 5 ** (1 / 2)
sacr_results = sacr_results[
].rename(columns={'param_kneighborsregressor__n_neighbors': 'n_neighbors'})
    n_neighbors  mean_test_score  sem_test_score
0             1   -117365.988307     2715.383001
1             4    -93956.523683     2466.200227
..          ...              ...             ...
65          196    -93671.588088     2473.312705
66          199    -93986.752272     2473.048651

[67 rows x 3 columns]

Look at the CV Results

    n_neighbors  mean_test_score  sem_test_score
0             1   -117365.988307     2715.383001
1             4    -93956.523683     2466.200227
..          ...              ...             ...
65          196    -93671.588088     2473.312705
66          199    -93986.752272     2473.048651

[67 rows x 3 columns]
  • n_neighbors: values of \(K\)
  • mean_test_score: RMSPE estimated via cross-validation (it’s negative!)
  • sem_test_score: standard error of our cross-validation RMSPE estimate (how uncertain we are in the mean value)
sacr_results['mean_test_score'] = -sacr_results['mean_test_score']
    n_neighbors  mean_test_score  sem_test_score
0             1    117365.988307     2715.383001
1             4     93956.523683     2466.200227
..          ...              ...             ...
65          196     93671.588088     2473.312705
66          199     93986.752272     2473.048651

[67 rows x 3 columns]

Best k

take the minimum RMSPE to find the best setting for the number of neighbors

best_k_sacr = sacr_results["n_neighbors"][sacr_results["mean_test_score"].idxmin()]
best_cv_RMSPE = min(sacr_results["mean_test_score"])

Best k:


Best k: Visualize

{'kneighborsregressor__n_neighbors': 55}

Underfitting and overfitting


The RMSPE values start to get higher after a certain k value

Visualizing different values of k

Evaluating on the test set

RMSPE on the test data

  • Retrain the K-NN regression model on the entire training data set using best k
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error

sacramento_test['predicted'] = sacr_gridsearch.predict(sacramento_test)
RMSPE = mean_squared_error(
    y_true=sacramento_test['price'], y_pred=sacramento_test['predicted']
) ** (1 / 2)


Final best K model

Predicted values of house price (orange line) for the final K-NN regression model.

Multivariable K-NN regression

We can use multiple predictors in K-NN regression

Multivariable K-NN regression: Preprocessor

sacr_preprocessor = make_column_transformer(
    (StandardScaler(), ['sqft', 'beds'])
sacr_pipeline = make_pipeline(sacr_preprocessor, KNeighborsRegressor())

Multivariable K-NN regression: CV

# create the 5-fold GridSearchCV object
param_grid = {
    'kneighborsregressor__n_neighbors': range(1, 50),

sacr_gridsearch = GridSearchCV(
    sacramento_train[['sqft', 'beds']], sacramento_train['price']
             param_grid={'kneighborsregressor__n_neighbors': range(1, 50)},
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Multivariable K-NN regression: Best K

# retrieve the CV scores
sacr_results = pd.DataFrame(sacr_gridsearch.cv_results_)
sacr_results['sem_test_score'] = sacr_results['std_test_score'] / 5 ** (1 / 2)
sacr_results['mean_test_score'] = -sacr_results['mean_test_score']
sacr_results = sacr_results[
].rename(columns={'param_kneighborsregressor__n_neighbors': 'n_neighbors'})

# show only the row of minimum RMSPE
sacr_results.nsmallest(1, 'mean_test_score')
n_neighbors mean_test_score sem_test_score
28 29 85156.027067 3376.143313

Multivariable K-NN regression: Best model

best_k_sacr_multi = sacr_results["n_neighbors"][sacr_results["mean_test_score"].idxmin()]
min_rmspe_sacr_multi = min(sacr_results["mean_test_score"])

Best K




Multivariable K-NN regression: Test data

sacramento_test["predicted"] = sacr_gridsearch.predict(sacramento_test)
RMSPE_mult = mean_squared_error(


Multivariable K-NN regression: Visualize

Strengths and limitations of K-NN regression


  • simple, intuitive algorithm
  • requires few assumptions about what the data must look like
  • works well with non-linear relationships (i.e., if the relationship is not a straight line)


  • very slow as the training data gets larger
  • may not perform well with a large number of predictors
  • may not predict well beyond the range of values input in your training data

Linear Regression

  • Addresses the limitations from KNN regression

  • provides an interpretable mathematical equation that describes the relationship between the predictor and response variables

  • Create a straight line of best fit through the training data


Logistic regression is the linear model we can use for binary classification

Sacramento real estate

import pandas as pd

sacramento = pd.read_csv('data/sacramento.csv')

small_sacramento = sacramento.sample(n=30)

           city     zip  beds  baths  sqft         type   price   latitude  \
829  SACRAMENTO  z95824     3    1.0  1161  Residential  109000  38.511893   
70    ELK_GROVE  z95624     4    2.0  1715  Residential  199500  38.440760   
..          ...     ...   ...    ...   ...          ...     ...        ...   
909  SACRAMENTO  z95828     3    1.0   888  Residential  216021  38.508217   
265  SACRAMENTO  z95835     4    3.0  2030  Residential  270000  38.671807   

829 -121.457676  
70  -121.385792  
..          ...  
909 -121.411207  
265 -121.498274  

[30 rows x 9 columns]

Sacramento real estate: best fit line

The equation for the straight line is:

\[\text{house sale price} = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \cdot (\text{house size}),\] where

  • \(\beta_0\) is the vertical intercept of the line (the price when house size is 0)
  • \(\beta_1\) is the slope of the line (how quickly the price increases as you increase house size)

Sacramento real estate: Prediction

What makes the best line?

Linear regression in Python

The scikit-learn pattern still applies:

  • Create a training and test set
  • Instantiate a model
  • Fit the model on training
  • Use model on testing set

Linear regression: Train test split

import numpy as np
import altair as alt
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from sklearn import set_config

# Output dataframes instead of arrays


sacramento = pd.read_csv('data/sacramento.csv')

sacramento_train, sacramento_test = train_test_split(
    sacramento, train_size=0.75

Linear regression: Fit the model

# fit the linear regression model
lm = LinearRegression()
    sacramento_train[['sqft']],  # A single-column data frame
    sacramento_train['price'],  # A series

# make a dataframe containing slope and intercept coefficients
results_df = pd.DataFrame({'slope': [lm.coef_[0]], 'intercept': [lm.intercept_]})
        slope     intercept
0  137.285652  15642.309105

\(\text{house sale price} =\) 137.29 \(+\) 15642.31 \(\cdot (\text{house size}).\)

Linear regression: Predictions

# make predictions
sacramento_test["predicted"] = lm.predict(sacramento_test[["sqft"]])

# calculate RMSPE
RMSPE = mean_squared_error(


Linear regression: Plot


  • We did not need to standarize like we did for KNN.

  • In KNN standarization is mandatory,

  • In linear regression, if we standarize, we convert all the units to unit-less standard deviations

  • Standarization in linear regression does not change the fit of the model

    • It will change the coefficients

Comparing simple linear and K-NN regression

Multivariable linear regression

More predictor variables!

  • More does not always mean better
  • We will not cover variable selection in this workshop
  • Will talk about categorical predictors later in the workshop

Sacramento real estate: 2 predictors

mlm = LinearRegression()[['sqft', 'beds']], sacramento_train['price'])

sacramento_test['predicted'] = mlm.predict(sacramento_test[['sqft', 'beds']])

Sacramento real estate: Coefficients


array([   154.59235377, -20333.43213798])



\[\text{house sale price} = \beta_0 + \beta_1\cdot(\text{house size}) + \beta_2\cdot(\text{number of bedrooms}),\] where:

  • \(\beta_0\) is the vertical intercept of the hyperplane (the price when both house size and number of bedrooms are 0)
  • \(\beta_1\) is the slope for the first predictor (how quickly the price increases as you increase house size)
  • \(\beta_2\) is the slope for the second predictor (how quickly the price increases as you increase the number of bedrooms)

More variables make it harder to visualize

Sacramento real estate: mlm rmspe

lm_mult_test_RMSPE = mean_squared_error(
    y_true=sacramento_test['price'], y_pred=sacramento_test['predicted']
) ** (1 / 2)


Outliers and Multicollinearity

  • Outliers: extreme values that can move the best fit line
  • Multicollinearity: variables that are highly correlated to one another



Full data


plane of best fit has regression coefficients that are very sensitive to the exact values in the data

Additional Resources

  • The Regression I: K-nearest neighbors and Regression II: linear regression chapters of Data Science: A First Introduction (Python Edition) by Tiffany Timbers, Trevor Campbell, Melissa Lee, Joel Ostblom, Lindsey Heagy contains all the content presented here with a detailed narrative.
  • The scikit-learn website is an excellent reference for more details on, and advanced usage of, the functions and packages in this lesson. Aside from that, it also offers many useful tutorials to get you started.
  • An Introduction to Statistical Learning by Gareth James Daniela Witten Trevor Hastie, and Robert Tibshirani provides a great next stop in the process of learning about classification. Chapter 3 discusses lienar regression in more depth. As well as how it comares to K-nearest neighbors.


Thomas Cover and Peter Hart. Nearest neighbor pattern classification. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 13(1):21–27, 1967.

Evelyn Fix and Joseph Hodges. Discriminatory analysis. nonparametric discrimination: consistency properties. Technical Report, USAF School of Aviation Medicine, Randolph Field, Texas, 1951.