Pharmaverse Phlavors: gtsummary + ARD

Daniel D. Sjoberg




This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA4.0).

Daniel D. Sjoberg


Please ask questions at any time!

How it started

  • Began to address reproducible issues while working in academia

  • Goal was to build a package to summarize study results with code that was both simple and customizable

  • First release in May 2019

How it’s going

  • The stats

    • 1,000,000+ installations from CRAN
    • 1000+ GitHub stars
    • 300+ contributors
    • ~50 code contributors
  • Won the 2021 American Statistical Association (ASA) Innovation in Programming Award

  • Won the 2024 Posit Pharma Table Contest

{gtsummary} overview

  • Create tabular summaries with sensible defaults but highly customizable
  • Types of summaries:
    • Demographic- or “Table 1”-types
    • Cross-tabulation
    • Regression models
    • Survival data
    • Survey data
    • Custom tables
  • Report statistics from {gtsummary} tables inline in R Markdown
  • Stack and/or merge any table type
  • Use themes to standardize across tables
  • Choose from different print engines

{gtsummary} overview

For our workshop, we will focus on the following summary types as well as themes and print engines.

  • tbl_summary()

  • tbl_cross()

  • tbl_continuous()

  • tbl_wide_summary()

Example Dataset

  • The trial data set is included with {gtsummary}

  • Simulated data set of baseline characteristics for 200 patients who receive Drug A or Drug B

  • Variables were assigned labels using the labelled package

head(trial) |> gt::gt()
Chemotherapy Treatment Age Marker Level (ng/mL) T Stage Grade Tumor Response Patient Died Months to Death/Censor
Drug A 23 0.160 T1 II 0 0 24.00
Drug B 9 1.107 T2 I 1 0 24.00
Drug A 31 0.277 T1 II 0 0 24.00
Drug A NA 2.067 T3 III 1 1 17.64
Drug A 51 2.767 T4 III 1 1 16.43
Drug B 39 0.613 T4 I 0 1 15.64

Example Dataset

This presentation will use a subset of the variables.

sm_trial <-
  trial |> 
  select(trt, age, grade, response)
Variable Label
trt Chemotherapy Treatment
age Age
grade Grade
response Tumor Response


Basic tbl_summary()

sm_trial |> 
  select(-trt) |>  
Characteristic N = 2001
Age 47 (38, 57)
    Unknown 11
    I 68 (34%)
    II 68 (34%)
    III 64 (32%)
Tumor Response 61 (32%)
    Unknown 7
1 Median (Q1, Q3); n (%)
  • Four types of summaries: continuous, continuous2, categorical, and dichotomous

  • Statistics are median (IQR) for continuous, n (%) for categorical/dichotomous

  • Variables coded 0/1, TRUE/FALSE, Yes/No treated as dichotomous

  • Lists NA values under “Unknown”

  • Label attributes are printed automatically

Customize tbl_summary() output

  by = trt,
Characteristic Drug A
N = 981
Drug B
N = 1021
Age 46 (37, 60) 48 (39, 56)
    Unknown 7 4

    I 35 (36%) 33 (32%)
    II 32 (33%) 36 (35%)
    III 31 (32%) 33 (32%)
Tumor Response 28 (29%) 33 (34%)
    Unknown 3 4
1 Median (Q1, Q3); n (%)
  • by: specify a column variable for cross-tabulation

Customize tbl_summary() output

  by = trt,
  type = age ~ "continuous2",
Characteristic Drug A
N = 981
Drug B
N = 1021

    Median (Q1, Q3) 46 (37, 60) 48 (39, 56)
    Unknown 7 4

    I 35 (36%) 33 (32%)
    II 32 (33%) 36 (35%)
    III 31 (32%) 33 (32%)
Tumor Response 28 (29%) 33 (34%)
    Unknown 3 4
1 n (%)
  • by: specify a column variable for cross-tabulation

  • type: specify the summary type

Customize tbl_summary() output

  by = trt,
  type = age ~ "continuous2",
  statistic = 
      age ~ c("{mean} ({sd})", 
              "{min}, {max}"), 
      response ~ "{n} / {N} ({p}%)"
Characteristic Drug A
N = 981
Drug B
N = 1021

    Mean (SD) 47 (15) 47 (14)
    Min, Max 6, 78 9, 83
    Unknown 7 4

    I 35 (36%) 33 (32%)
    II 32 (33%) 36 (35%)
    III 31 (32%) 33 (32%)
Tumor Response 28 / 95 (29%) 33 / 98 (34%)
    Unknown 3 4
1 n (%); n / N (%)
  • by: specify a column variable for cross-tabulation

  • type: specify the summary type

  • statistic: customize the reported statistics

Customize tbl_summary() output

  by = trt,
  type = age ~ "continuous2",
  statistic = 
      age ~ c("{mean} ({sd})", 
              "{min}, {max}"), 
      response ~ "{n} / {N} ({p}%)"
  label = 
    grade ~ "Pathologic tumor grade",
Characteristic Drug A
N = 981
Drug B
N = 1021

    Mean (SD) 47 (15) 47 (14)
    Min, Max 6, 78 9, 83
    Unknown 7 4
Pathologic tumor grade

    I 35 (36%) 33 (32%)
    II 32 (33%) 36 (35%)
    III 31 (32%) 33 (32%)
Tumor Response 28 / 95 (29%) 33 / 98 (34%)
    Unknown 3 4
1 n (%); n / N (%)
  • by: specify a column variable for cross-tabulation

  • type: specify the summary type

  • statistic: customize the reported statistics

  • label: change or customize variable labels

Customize tbl_summary() output

  by = trt,
  type = age ~ "continuous2",
  statistic = 
      age ~ c("{mean} ({sd})", 
              "{min}, {max}"), 
      response ~ "{n} / {N} ({p}%)"
  label = 
    grade ~ "Pathologic tumor grade",
  digits = age ~ list(sd = 1) # report SD(age) to one decimal place
Characteristic Drug A
N = 981
Drug B
N = 1021

    Mean (SD) 47 (14.7) 47 (14.0)
    Min, Max 6, 78 9, 83
    Unknown 7 4
Pathologic tumor grade

    I 35 (36%) 33 (32%)
    II 32 (33%) 36 (35%)
    III 31 (32%) 33 (32%)
Tumor Response 28 / 95 (29%) 33 / 98 (34%)
    Unknown 3 4
1 n (%); n / N (%)
  • by: specify a column variable for cross-tabulation

  • type: specify the summary type

  • statistic: customize the reported statistics

  • label: change or customize variable labels

  • digits: specify the number of decimal places for rounding

{gtsummary} + formulas

This syntax is also used in {cards}, {cardx}, and {gt}.

Named list are OK too! label = list(age = "Patient Age")

{gtsummary} selectors

  • Use the following helpers to select groups of variables: all_continuous(), all_categorical()

  • Use all_stat_cols() to select the summary statistic columns

Add-on functions in {gtsummary}

tbl_summary() objects can also be updated using related functions.

  • add_*() add additional column of statistics or information, e.g. p-values, q-values, overall statistics, treatment differences, N obs., and more

  • modify_*() modify table headers, spanning headers, footnotes, and more

  • bold_*()/italicize_*() style labels, variable levels, significant p-values

Update tbl_summary() with add_*()

sm_trial |>
    by = trt
  ) |> 
  add_p() |> 
  add_q(method = "fdr")
Characteristic Drug A
N = 981
Drug B
N = 1021
p-value2 q-value3
Age 46 (37, 60) 48 (39, 56) 0.7 0.9
    Unknown 7 4


0.9 0.9
    I 35 (36%) 33 (32%)

    II 32 (33%) 36 (35%)

    III 31 (32%) 33 (32%)

Tumor Response 28 (29%) 33 (34%) 0.5 0.9
    Unknown 3 4

1 Median (Q1, Q3); n (%)
2 Wilcoxon rank sum test; Pearson’s Chi-squared test
3 False discovery rate correction for multiple testing
  • add_p(): adds a column of p-values

  • add_q(): adds a column of p-values adjusted for multiple comparisons through a call to p.adjust()

Update tbl_summary() with add_*()

sm_trial |>
    by = trt,
    missing = "no"
  ) |> 
Characteristic Overall
N = 2001
Drug A
N = 981
Drug B
N = 1021
Age 47 (38, 57) 46 (37, 60) 48 (39, 56)

    I 68 (34%) 35 (36%) 33 (32%)
    II 68 (34%) 32 (33%) 36 (35%)
    III 64 (32%) 31 (32%) 33 (32%)
Tumor Response 61 (32%) 28 (29%) 33 (34%)
1 Median (Q1, Q3); n (%)
  • add_overall(): adds a column of overall statistics

Update tbl_summary() with add_*()

sm_trial |>
    by = trt,
    missing = "no"
  ) |> 
  add_overall() |> 
Characteristic N Overall
N = 2001
Drug A
N = 981
Drug B
N = 1021
Age 189 47 (38, 57) 46 (37, 60) 48 (39, 56)
Grade 200

68 (34%) 35 (36%) 33 (32%)
68 (34%) 32 (33%) 36 (35%)
64 (32%) 31 (32%) 33 (32%)
Tumor Response 193 61 (32%) 28 (29%) 33 (34%)
1 Median (Q1, Q3); n (%)
  • add_overall(): adds a column of overall statistics
  • add_n(): adds a column with the sample size

Update tbl_summary() with add_*()

sm_trial |>
    by = trt,
    missing = "no"
  ) |> 
  add_overall() |> 
  add_n() |> 
    label = all_categorical() ~ "No. (%)"
Characteristic N Overall
N = 200
Drug A
N = 98
Drug B
N = 102
Age, Median (Q1, Q3) 189 47 (38, 57) 46 (37, 60) 48 (39, 56)
Grade, No. (%) 200

68 (34%) 35 (36%) 33 (32%)
68 (34%) 32 (33%) 36 (35%)
64 (32%) 31 (32%) 33 (32%)
Tumor Response, No. (%) 193 61 (32%) 28 (29%) 33 (34%)
  • add_overall(): adds a column of overall statistics
  • add_n(): adds a column with the sample size
  • add_stat_label(): adds a description of the reported statistic

Update with bold_*()/italicize_*()

sm_trial |>
    by = trt
  ) |>
  add_p() |> 
  bold_labels() |> 
  italicize_levels() |> 
  bold_p(t = 0.8)
Characteristic Drug A
N = 981
Drug B
N = 1021
Age 46 (37, 60) 48 (39, 56) 0.7
    Unknown 7 4

    I 35 (36%) 33 (32%)
    II 32 (33%) 36 (35%)
    III 31 (32%) 33 (32%)
Tumor Response 28 (29%) 33 (34%) 0.5
    Unknown 3 4
1 Median (Q1, Q3); n (%)
2 Wilcoxon rank sum test; Pearson’s Chi-squared test
  • bold_labels(): bold the variable labels
  • italicize_levels(): italicize the variable levels
  • bold_p(): bold p-values according a specified threshold

Update tbl_summary() with modify_*()

tbl <-
  sm_trial |> 
  tbl_summary(by = trt, 
              missing = "no") |>
      stat_1 ~ "**Group A**",
      stat_2 ~ "**Group B**"
  ) |> 
    all_stat_cols() ~ "**Drug**") |> 
    all_stat_cols() ~ 
      paste("median (IQR) for continuous;",
            "n (%) for categorical")
Characteristic Drug
Group A1 Group B1
Age 46 (37, 60) 48 (39, 56)

    I 35 (36%) 33 (32%)
    II 32 (33%) 36 (35%)
    III 31 (32%) 33 (32%)
Tumor Response 28 (29%) 33 (34%)
1 median (IQR) for continuous; n (%) for categorical
  • Use show_header_names() to see the internal header names available for use in modify_header()

Column names


Column Name   Column Header      
------------  -------------------
label         **Characteristic** 
stat_1        **Group A**        
stat_2        **Group B**        

all_stat_cols() selects columns "stat_1" and "stat_2"

Update tbl_summary() with add_*()

trial |>
  select(trt, marker, response) |>
    by = trt,
    statistic = list(marker ~ "{mean} ({sd})",
                     response ~ "{p}%"),
    missing = "no"
  ) |> 
Characteristic Drug A
N = 981
Drug B
N = 1021
Difference2 95% CI2,3 p-value2
Marker Level (ng/mL) 1.02 (0.89) 0.82 (0.83) 0.20 -0.05, 0.44 0.12
Tumor Response 29% 34% -4.2% -18%, 9.9% 0.6
1 Mean (SD); %
2 Welch Two Sample t-test; 2-sample test for equality of proportions with continuity correction
3 CI = Confidence Interval
  • add_difference(): mean and rate differences between two groups. Can also be adjusted differences

Update tbl_summary() with add_*()

sm_trial |>
    by = trt,
    missing = "no"
  ) |> 
  • Customize statistics presented with add_stat()

  • Added statistics can be placed on the label or the level rows

  • Added statistics may be a single column or multiple

Where are the ARDs?

  • ARDs are the backbone for all calculations in gtsummary

  • Every gtsummary table saves the ARDs from each calculation

  • They can be extracted individually, or combined.

tbl <- tbl_summary(trial, by = trt) |> add_p()
[1] "list"
[1] "tbl_summary" "add_p"      
   group1 variable   context   stat_name stat_label      stat
1     trt      age stats_wi…    estimate  Median o…        -1
2     trt      age stats_wi…   statistic  X-square…      4323
3     trt      age stats_wi…     p.value    p-value     0.718
4     trt      age stats_wi…    conf.low  CI Lower…        -5
5     trt      age stats_wi…   conf.high  CI Upper…         4
6     trt      age stats_wi…      method     method Wilcoxon…
7     trt      age stats_wi… alternative  alternat… two.sided
8     trt      age stats_wi…          mu         mu         0
9     trt      age stats_wi…      paired  Paired t…     FALSE
10    trt      age stats_wi…       exact      exact          
11    trt      age stats_wi…     correct    correct      TRUE
12    trt      age stats_wi…      TRUE
13    trt      age stats_wi…  conf.level  CI Confi…      0.95
14    trt      age stats_wi…    tol.root   tol.root         0
15    trt      age stats_wi… digits.rank  digits.r…       Inf

Add-on functions in {gtsummary}

And many more!

See the documentation at

And a detailed tbl_summary() vignette at

{gtsummary} Exercise 1

  1. Navigate to Posit Cloud script 04-gtsummary_exercise1.R.

  2. Create the table outlined in the script.

  3. Add the “completed” sticky note to your laptop when complete.


Cross-tabulation with tbl_cross()

tbl_cross() is a wrapper for tbl_summary() for n x m tables

sm_trial |>
    row = trt, 
    col = grade,
    percent = "row",
    margin = "row"
  ) |>
  add_p(source_note = TRUE) |>
Chemotherapy Treatment

    Drug A 35 (36%) 32 (33%) 31 (32%)
    Drug B 33 (32%) 36 (35%) 33 (32%)
Total 68 (34%) 68 (34%) 64 (32%)
Pearson’s Chi-squared test, p=0.9

Continuous Summaries with tbl_continuous()

tbl_continuous() summarizes a continuous variable by 1, 2, or more categorical variables

sm_trial |>
    variable = age,
    by = trt,
    include = grade
Characteristic Drug A
N = 981
Drug B
N = 1021

    I 46 (36, 60) 48 (42, 55)
    II 45 (31, 55) 51 (42, 58)
    III 52 (42, 61) 45 (36, 52)
1 Age: Median (Q1, Q3)

Wide Summaries with tbl_wide_summary()

tbl_wide_summary() summarizes a continuous variable with summary statistics spread across columns

trial |>
  tbl_wide_summary(include = c(response, grade))
Characteristic n %
Tumor Response 61 32%

    I 68 34%
    II 68 34%
    III 64 32%

Wide Summaries with tbl_wide_summary()

trial |>
  tbl_wide_summary(include = c(age, marker))
Characteristic Median Q1, Q3
Age 47 38, 57
Marker Level (ng/mL) 0.64 0.22, 1.41

Naturally, you can change the statistics, and which appear in each column.


tbl_merge() for side-by-side tables

tbl_n <- 
  tbl_summary(trial, include = grade, statistic = grade ~ "{n}") |> 
  modify_header(all_stat_cols() ~ "**N**") |> # update column header
  modify_footnote(all_stat_cols() ~ NA) # remove footnote
tbl_age <-
  tbl_continuous(trial, include = grade, variable = age, by = trt) |> 
  modify_header(all_stat_cols() ~ "**{level}**") # update header

# combine the tables side by side
list(tbl_n, tbl_age) |> 
  tbl_merge(tab_spanner = FALSE) # suppress default header
Characteristic N Drug A1 Drug B1

    I 68 46 (36, 60) 48 (42, 55)
    II 68 45 (31, 55) 51 (42, 58)
    III 64 52 (42, 61) 45 (36, 52)
1 Age: Median (Q1, Q3)

tbl_stack() to combine vertically

tbl_drug_a <- trial |> 
  dplyr::filter(trt == "Drug A") |> 
  tbl_summary(include = c(response, death), missing = "no")
tbl_drug_b <- trial |> 
  dplyr::filter(trt == "Drug B") |> 
  tbl_summary(include = c(response, death), missing = "no")

# stack the two tables 
list(tbl_drug_a, tbl_drug_b) |> 
  tbl_stack(group_header = c("Drug A", "Drug B")) |> # optionally include headers for each table
  modify_header(all_stat_cols() ~ "**Outcome Rates**")
Characteristic Outcome Rates1
Drug A
Tumor Response 28 (29%)
Patient Died 52 (53%)
Drug B
Tumor Response 33 (34%)
Patient Died 60 (59%)
1 n (%)

tbl_strata() for stratified tables

  strata = trt, 
  ~ .x |> 
    tbl_wide_summary(include = c(response, death))
Characteristic Drug A Drug B
n % n %
Tumor Response 28 29% 33 34%
Patient Died 52 53% 60 59%

The default is to combine stratified tables with tbl_merge().

tbl_strata() for stratified tables

We can also stack the tables.

  strata = trt, 
  ~ .x |> 
    tbl_wide_summary(include = c(response, death)),
  .combine_with = "tbl_stack"
Characteristic n %
Drug A
Tumor Response 28 29%
Patient Died 52 53%
Drug B
Tumor Response 33 34%
Patient Died 60 59%

Define custom function tbl_cmh()

Define custom function tbl_cmh()

Cobbling Tables Together

  • Most of the tables we create in the pharma space come from a catalog of standard tables.

  • Custom or one-off tables are often quite difficult and time intensive to create.

  • The {gtsummary} package makes it simple to break complex tables into their simple parts and cobble them together in the end.

  • Moreover, the internal structure of a gtsummary table is super simple: a data frame and instructions on how to print that data frame to make it cute. If needed, you can directly modify the underlying data frame with modify_table_body().

trial |> tbl_summary(include = c(age, grade), by = trt) |> purrr::pluck("table_body")
# A tibble: 6 × 7
  variable var_type    row_type var_label label   stat_1      stat_2     
  <chr>    <chr>       <chr>    <chr>     <chr>   <chr>       <chr>      
1 age      continuous  label    Age       Age     46 (37, 60) 48 (39, 56)
2 age      continuous  missing  Age       Unknown 7           4          
3 grade    categorical label    Grade     Grade   <NA>        <NA>       
4 grade    categorical level    Grade     I       35 (36%)    33 (32%)   
5 grade    categorical level    Grade     II      32 (33%)    36 (35%)   
6 grade    categorical level    Grade     III     31 (32%)    33 (32%)   

ARD-first tables

ARD-first Tables

Similar to functions that accept a data frame, the package exports functions with nearly identical APIs that accept an ARD.






ARD-first Tables

We can use the skills we learned earlier today to create ARDs for gtsummary tables.


ard <- ard_stack(
  data = trial, 
  ard_continuous(variables = age),
  ard_categorical(variables = grade),
  ard_dichotomous(variables = response),
  # add these for best-looking tables
  .attributes = TRUE, 
  .missing = TRUE 
   variable variable_level   context stat_name stat_label   stat
1       age                continuo…         N          N    189
2       age                continuo…      mean       Mean 47.238
3       age                continuo…        sd         SD 14.312
4       age                continuo…    median     Median     47
5       age                continuo…       p25         Q1     38
6       age                continuo…       p75         Q3     57
7       age                continuo…       min        Min      6
8       age                continuo…       max        Max     83
9       age                  missing     N_obs  Vector L…    200
10      age                  missing    N_miss  N Missing     11

ARD-first Tables

We can simply use the ARD from the previous slide, and pass it to tbl_ard_summary() for a summary table.

Characteristic N = 2001
Age 47.0 (38.0, 57.0)
    Unknown 11
    I 68 (34.0%)
    II 68 (34.0%)
    III 64 (32.0%)
Tumor Response 61 (31.6%)
    Unknown 7
1 Median (Q1, Q3); n (%)

ARD-first Tables

Now let’s try a somewhat more complicated table.

trial |> 
  labelled::set_variable_labels(age = "Age, years") |> 
    .by = trt,
      variables = age,
      fmt_fn = age ~ list(sd = 2)
    ard_categorical(variables = grade),
    ard_dichotomous(variables = response),
    # add these for best-looking tables
    .attributes = TRUE, 
    .missing = TRUE 
  ) |> 
    by = trt,
    type = all_continuous() ~ "continuous2",
    statistic = all_continuous() ~ c("{mean} ({sd})", "{min} - {max}"),
    missing = "no"
  ) |> 
  modify_caption("**Table 1. Subject Demographics**")

ARD-first Tables

Table 1. Subject Demographics
Characteristic Drug A
N = 981
Drug B
N = 1021
Age, years

    Mean (SD) 47.0 (14.71) 47.4 (14.01)
    Min - Max 6.0 - 78.0 9.0 - 83.0

    I 35 (35.7%) 33 (32.4%)
    II 32 (32.7%) 36 (35.3%)
    III 31 (31.6%) 33 (32.4%)
Tumor Response 28 (29.5%) 33 (33.7%)
1 n (%)

ARD-first Table Shells

trial |> 
  labelled::set_variable_labels(age = "Age, years") |> 
    .by = trt,
      variables = age,
      fmt_fn = age ~ list(sd = 2)
    ard_categorical(variables = grade),
    ard_dichotomous(variables = response),
    # add these for best-looking tables
    .attributes = TRUE, 
    .missing = TRUE 
  ) |> 
  dplyr::mutate(fmt_fn = list(\(x) "xx.x")) |> 
    by = trt,
    type = all_continuous() ~ "continuous2",
    statistic = all_continuous() ~ c("{mean} ({sd})", "{min} - {max}"),
    missing = "no"
  ) |> 
  modify_header(all_stat_cols() ~ "**{level}**  \nN = xx")

ARD-first Table Shells

Characteristic Drug A
N = xx1
Drug B
N = xx1
Age, years

    Mean (SD) xx.x (xx.x) xx.x (xx.x)
    Min - Max xx.x - xx.x xx.x - xx.x

    I xx.x (xx.x%) xx.x (xx.x%)
    II xx.x (xx.x%) xx.x (xx.x%)
    III xx.x (xx.x%) xx.x (xx.x%)
Tumor Response xx.x (xx.x%) xx.x (xx.x%)
1 n (%)

{gtsummary} Exercise 2

  1. Navigate to Posit Cloud script 05-gtsummary_exercise2.R.

  2. Create the table outlined in the script.

  3. Add the “completed” sticky note to your laptop when complete.


{gtsummary} themes

{gtsummary} theme basics

  • A theme is a set of customization preferences that can be easily set and reused.

  • Themes control default settings for existing functions

  • Themes control more fine-grained customization not available via arguments or helper functions

  • Easily use one of the available themes, or create your own

{gtsummary} default theme


trial |> 
    by = trt, 
    include = c(age, response)
  ) |>
    "Default Theme"
Default Theme
Characteristic Drug A
N = 981
Drug B
N = 1021
Age 46 (37, 60) 48 (39, 56)
    Unknown 7 4
Tumor Response 28 (29%) 33 (34%)
    Unknown 3 4
1 Median (Q1, Q3); n (%)

{gtsummary} theme_gtsummary_journal()

theme_gtsummary_journal(journal = "jama")

trial |> 
    by = trt, 
    include = c(age, response)
  ) |>
    "Journal Theme (JAMA)"
Journal Theme (JAMA)
Characteristic Drug A
N = 98
Drug B
N = 102
Age, Median (IQR) 46 (37 – 60) 48 (39 – 56)
    Unknown 7 4
Tumor Response, n (%) 28 (29) 33 (34)
    Unknown 3 4

{gtsummary} theme_gtsummary_language()

theme_gtsummary_language(language = "zh-tw")

trial |> 
    by = trt, 
    include = c(age, response)
  ) |>
  add_p() |> 
    "Language Theme (Chinese)"
Language Theme (Chinese)
特色 Drug A
N = 981
Drug B
N = 1021
P 值2
Age 46 (37, 60) 48 (39, 56) 0.7
    未知 7 4
Tumor Response 28 (29%) 33 (34%) 0.5
    未知 3 4
1 中位數 (Q1, Q3); n (%)
2 Wilcoxon 排序和檢定; 卡方 獨立性檢定

Language options:

  • German
  • English
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Gujarati
  • Hindi
  • Icelandic
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Marathi
  • Dutch
  • Norwegian
  • Portuguese
  • Swedish
  • Chinese Simplified
  • Chinese Traditional

{gtsummary} theme_gtsummary_compact()


trial |> 
    by = trt, 
    include = c(age, response)
  ) |>
  modify_caption("Compact Theme")
Compact Theme
Characteristic Drug A
N = 981
Drug B
N = 1021
Age 46 (37, 60) 48 (39, 56)
    Unknown 7 4
Tumor Response 28 (29%) 33 (34%)
    Unknown 3 4
1 Median (Q1, Q3); n (%)

Reduces padding and font size

A pharma theme?

While not yet exported from gtsummary, we can create a theme for tables that look more like what we expect in pharma.

  • Fixed-width font

  • Continuous variable summaries default to multi-line

  • Function for rounding percentages includes leading white space

  • Default right alignment on summary statistics

Characteristic Placebo
N = 86
Xanomeline Low Dose
N = 84
Xanomeline High Dose
N = 84

    Median (Q1, Q3) 76.0 (69.0, 82.0) 77.5 (71.0, 82.0) 76.0 (70.5, 80.0)
    Mean (SD) 75.2 (8.6) 75.7 (8.3) 74.4 (7.9)
    Min - Max 52.0 - 89.0 51.0 - 88.0 56.0 - 88.0
Age Group, n (%)

    <65 14 (16.3%) 8 ( 9.5%) 11 (13.1%)
    65-80 42 (48.8%) 47 (56.0%) 55 (65.5%)
    >80 30 (34.9%) 29 (34.5%) 18 (21.4%)
Female, n (%) 53 (61.6%) 50 (59.5%) 40 (47.6%)

{gtsummary} set_gtsummary_theme()

  • set_gtsummary_theme() to use a custom theme.

  • See the {gtsummary} + themes vignette for examples

{gtsummary} print engines

{gtsummary} print engines

{gtsummary} print engines

Use any print engine to customize table

trial |>
  select(age, grade) |>
  tbl_summary() |>
  as_gt() |>
  cols_width(label ~ px(300)) |>
  cols_align(columns = stat_0, 
             align = "left")
Characteristic N = 2001
Age 47 (38, 57)
    Unknown 11
    I 68 (34%)
    II 68 (34%)
    III 64 (32%)
1 Median (Q1, Q3); n (%)

In Closing

{gtsummary} website

Package Authors/Contributors

Daniel D. Sjoberg

Joseph Larmarange

Michael Curry

Jessica Lavery

Karissa Whiting

Emily C. Zabor

Xing Bai

Esther Drill

Jessica Flynn

Margie Hannum

Stephanie Lobaugh

Shannon Pileggi

Amy Tin

Gustavo Zapata Wainberg

Other Contributors

@abduazizR, @ablack3, @ABohynDOE, @ABorakati, @adilsonbauhofer, @aghaynes, @ahinton-mmc, @aito123, @akarsteve, @akefley, @albamrt, @albertostefanelli, @alecbiom, @alexandrayas, @alexis-catherine, @AlexZHENGH, @alnajar, @amygimma, @anaavu, @anddis, @andrader, @Andrzej-Andrzej, @angelgar, @arbet003, @arnmayer, @aspina7, @AurelienDasre, @awcm0n, @ayogasekaram, @barretmonchka, @barthelmes, @bc-teixeira, @bcjaeger, @BeauMeche, @benediktclaus, @benwhalley, @berg-michael, @bhattmaulik, @BioYork, @blue-abdur, @brachem-christian, @brianmsm, @browne123, @bwiernik, @bx259, @calebasaraba, @CarolineXGao, @CharlyMarie, @ChongTienGoh, @Chris-M-P, @chrisleitzinger, @cjprobst, @ClaudiaCampani, @clmawhorter, @CodieMonster, @coeusanalytics, @coreysparks, @CorradoLanera, @crystalluckett-sanofi, @ctlamb, @dafxy, @DanChaltiel, @DanielPark-MGH, @davideyre, @davidgohel, @davidkane9, @DavisVaughan, @dax44, @dchiu911, @ddsjoberg, @DeFilippis, @denis-or, @dereksonderegger, @derekstein, @DesiQuintans, @dieuv0, @dimbage, @discoleo, @djbirke, @dmenne, @DrDinhLuong, @edelarua, @edrill, @Eduardo-Auer, @ElfatihHasabo, @emilyvertosick, @eokoshi, @ercbk, @eremingt, @erikvona, @eugenividal, @eweisbrod, @fdehrich, @feizhadj, @fh-jsnider, @fh-mthomson, @FrancoisGhesquiere, @ge-generation, @Generalized, @ghost, @giorgioluciano, @giovannitinervia9, @gjones1219, @gorkang, @GuiMarthe, @gungorMetehan, @hass91, @hescalar, @HichemLa, @hichew22, @hr70, @huftis, @hughjonesd, @iaingallagher, @ilyamusabirov, @IndrajeetPatil, @irene9116, @IsadoraBM, @j-tamad, @jalavery, @jaromilfrossard, @JBarsotti, @jbtov, @jeanmanguy, @jemus42, @jenifav, @jennybc, @JeremyPasco, @jerrodanzalone, @JesseRop, @jflynn264, @jhchou, @jhelvy, @jhk0530, @jjallaire, @jkylearmstrong, @jmbarajas, @jmbarbone, @JoanneF1229, @joelgautschi, @johnryan412, @JohnSodling, @jonasrekdalmathisen, @JonGretar, @jordan49er, @jsavinc, @jthomasmock, @juseer, @jwilliman, @karissawhiting, @karl-an, @kendonB, @kentm4, @klh281, @kmdono02, @kristyrobledo, @kwakuduahc1, @lamberp6, @lamhine, @larmarange, @ledermanr, @leejasme, @leslem, @levossen, @lngdet, @longjp, @lorenzoFabbri, @loukesio, @love520lfh, @lspeetluk, @ltin1214, @ltj-github, @lucavd, @LucyMcGowan, @LuiNov, @lukejenner6, @maciekbanas, @maia-sh, @malcolmbarrett, @mariamaseng, @Marsus1972, @martsobm, @Mathicaa, @matthieu-faron, @maxanes, @mayazadok2, @mbac, @mdidish, @medewitt, @meenakshi-kushwaha, @melindahiggins2000, @MelissaAssel, @Melkiades, @mfansler, @michaelcurry1123, @mikemazzucco, @mlamias, @mljaniczek, @moleps, @monitoringhsd, @motocci, @mrmvergeer, @msberends, @mvuorre, @myamortor, @myensr, @MyKo101, @nalimilan, @ndunnewind, @nikostr, @ningyile, @O16789, @oliviercailloux, @oranwutang, @palantre, @parmsam, @Pascal-Schmidt, @PaulC91, @paulduf, @pedersebastian, @perlatex, @pgseye, @philippemichel, @philsf, @polc1410, @Polperobis, @postgres-newbie, @proshano, @raphidoc, @RaviBot, @rawand-hanna, @rbcavanaugh, @remlapmot, @rich-iannone, @RiversPharmD, @rmgpanw, @roaldarbol, @roman2023, @ryzhu75, @s-j-choi, @sachijay, @saifelayan, @sammo3182, @samrodgersmelnick, @samuele-mercan, @sandhyapc, @sbalci, @sda030, @shah-in-boots, @shannonpileggi, @shaunporwal, @shengchaohou, @ShixiangWang, @simonpcouch, @slb2240, @slobaugh, @spiralparagon, @Spring75xx, @StaffanBetner, @steenharsted, @stenw, @Stephonomon, @storopoli, @stratopopolis, @strengejacke, @szimmer, @tamytsujimoto, @TAOS25, @TarJae, @themichjam, @THIB20, @tibirkrajc, @tjmeyers, @tldrcharlene, @tormodb, @toshifumikuroda, @TPDeramus, @UAB-BST-680, @uakimix, @uriahf, @Valja64, @viola-hilbert, @violet-nova, @vvm02, @will-gt, @xkcococo, @xtimbeau, @yatirbe, @yihunzeleke, @yonicd, @yoursdearboy, @YousufMohammed2002, @yuryzablotski, @zabore, @zachariae, @zaddyzad, @zawkzaw, @zdz2101, @zeyunlu, @zhangkaicr, @zhaohongxin0, @zheer-kejlberg, @zhengnow, @zhonghua723, @zlkrvsm, @zongell-star, and @Zoulf001.

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