Intro to Extensions

Workshop: Intro to Quarto
posit::conf 2024

Your Turn

Refresh your knowledge of markdown by opening quarto-puzzle.qmd and adding five features.

Render after each change to your document to check your progress!

  1. Add an author to the yaml.
  2. Convert “Advanced Quarto” to be a level two header.
  3. Add a link to the Quarto website ( on the word “Quarto” that appears before the comma in the first sentence.
  4. Turn the schedule into a bulleted list with 8 items.
  5. At the end of the document, insert the image quarto-logo.png found in this directory and make it 150 pixels wide.

Document filters

Add specific functionality to a document by modifying its structure during the render process.

The modification is done by a Lua script.

Filters as a Quarto Extension

Adding an Extension

In your document directory run at the terminal:

quarto add < github name >/< repo name >


To get the quarto-puzzle filter on any doc:

quarto add qmdr/quarto-puzzle

then in the document yaml

  - quarto-puzzle


A document filter that will inject particular content into your document at the location of your shortcode.

This is a paragraph in my document.

{{ < shortcode_name arg1 arg2 etc >}}

Here is a nother paragraph after the shortcode.

Your Turn

Choose your own extension! Select one of the following shortcode extensions to add to your documents.

  1. Font Awesome

  2. QR Code
