Extra: Parameterized Reports

Workshop: Intro to Quarto
posit::conf 2024

Parameterized Reports

Use Case

You have a document (pdf, html file, presentation) that you will need to produce many times with only tiny changes.


  1. Recode those changes as parameters.
  2. Pass parameters during the render process using a script
    • Shell script
    • Python script
    • R script

Params syntax

Place parameters in YAML under the params key.

  alpha: 0.1
  ratio: 0.1

You can now access the values inside the params R list.

[1] 0.1

Our Turn

  1. Open parameterized-reports/grade-report.qmd.
  2. Filter the data set to only use the data of "Rohan Prakesh".
  3. Make that a variable accessible through params.
  4. Add an inline reference to the student.
  5. Run parameterized-reports/make-grade-reports.r.

Your Turn

This one is a real challenge!

  1. Create a second qmd called annual-grade-report.qmd.
  2. Include a few plots that show the aggregate grade performance across all students.
  3. Parameterize the report in terms of year.
  4. Modify the code from make-grade-reports.r to produce two grade reports: one for 2023 and one for 2024.