Quarto Websites: Welcome!

WiFi: Posit Conf 2024 Password: conf2024

Find the materials at: pos.it/websites_24

Verify the pre-work steps (details 👆):

  1. Quarto version 1.5
  2. Your IDE of choice
  3. Account at Quarto Pub (if you want to publish)
  4. Join the discord: #workshop-quarto-websites


  • There are gender-neutral bathrooms located on levels 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7
  • There is a meditation/prayer room located in 503. Available Mon & Tues 7am - 7pm, and Wed 7am - 5pm.
  • The lactation room is located in 509, same timings as above.
  • Participants who do not wish to be photographed have red lanyards; please note everyone’s lanyard colors before taking a photo and respect their choices.
  • The Code of Conduct can be found at https://posit.co/code-of-conduct. Please review carefully. You can report Code of Conduct violations in person, by email, or by phone. Please see the policy linked above for contact information.


Full schedule at: pos.it/websites_24

10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch
15:00 - 15:30 Coffee Break
17:00 END

About Us

Charlotte Wickham

  • Quarto user for 2+ years
  • Quarto website user for 1.5+ years
  • Statistics + R background

Emil Hvitfeldt

  • Quarto user for 2+ years
  • Written some Quarto extensions
  • R software engineer

About You

Your Turn

Introduce yourself to your neighbors:

  • Name
  • Professional affiliation
  • What do you use Quarto for?

Meeting you where you are

  • You’ve used Quarto for single documents

  • You are comfortable editing, saving and previewing files in your IDE

  • You want to build a website

Why Quarto for Websites?

  • You don’t need to learn anything new for page content
  • You get nice website features out of the box: GitHub links, social cards, navigation, etc.
  • A lot of customization available via YAML options
  • Customize style as much (or as little) as you want

Our Goal

You walk away with a website that reflects you both in content and style.

Our Goal

Along the way you’ll learn how to:

  • Use a template to get started quickly
  • Create a landing page using about templates
  • Use YAML options to customize the style of your website
  • Add navigational elements to help visitors find your content
  • Customize the appearance of your site with CSS and SCSS
  • Generate lists of content automatically with listings

Workshop structure

  • My turn: Lecture segments + live coding

  • Your Turn: Practice exercises for you

How to get help?

  • Raise your color post-it note

🟧 “I’m stuck and need help!”

🟦 “I finished the exercise”

  • Ask in Discord

  • Talk to us during breaks or your-turns

Let’s jump in!