
We have a website!


They all look the same


But wait!

Styling with Quarto

the task of styling websites follows the pattern of diminishing returns

Each unit change to the style, will lead to fewer improvements in the results

We can take the reverse, and apply a few changes for maximum results

Styling using yaml

With Quarto html output we have a number of ways to style the site

A number of basic options allows us to change colors, fonts, and SIZES


  • fontcolor

The main color for text on the site

  • linkcolor

Color of the links

  • backgroundcolor

Background color of the whole site

  • monobackgroundcolor

background for code chunks

What is a color?

We can specify colors in many different ways using CSS

  • named colors such as orange and lightskyblue

  • RGB Hexadecimal, such as #FFA500 and #87CEFA

  • Using a color space

    • rgb(214, 122, 127)
    • hsl(30deg 82% 43%)
    • hwb(152deg 0% 58% / 70%)
  • and more

Colors before

Colors after

Your Turn!

Open up your _quarto.yml file and experiment with the colors

  • fontcolor

  • linkcolor

  • backgroundcolor

  • monobackgroundcolor



  • mainfont

The main font for text on the site

  • monofont

Font for code elements

What is a font?

A font family is specified either as a family name or as a generic name.

In the below example, "Gill Sans" is a family name, and sans-serif is a generic name.

"Gill Sans", sans-serif

Font specification works by having a fallback, so if "Gill Sans" isn’t available for the user, then sans-serif is used instead.

We will talk more later, about how we can load in new family names.

Fonts before

Fonts after

Your Turn!

Open up your _quarto.yml file and experiment with the fonts

  • mainfont

  • monofont

generic families include

serif, sans-serif, monospace, cursive, fantasy, system-ui, ui-serif, ui-sans-serif, ui-monospace, ui-rounded, and fangsong



  • max-width

Width of the main text area of the pages

  • fontsize

Base font size for website

  • linestretch

Distance between lines of text

How to specify sizes

Specifying a length in CSS can be done in dozens of ways,

  • Using pixel counts 18px or 100px

  • Calculated font-size of an element, 1em should remain unchanged, 2em should double it

Sizes before

Sizes after

Your Turn!

Open up your _quarto.yml file and experiment with the sizing

  • max-width

  • fontsize

  • linestretch



Show the world!

There are many different ways we can publish our stuff. We will show Quarto Pub here and now

Many different ways:

Quarto Pub

We use the quarto publish commend, specifically quarto publish quarto-pub

what happens next?

Your Turn!

Make sure you are set up to use Quarto Pub, then run quarto publish quarto-pub


You did it!