
We made it!

Your turn

What is one thing you learned that surprised you?

What is one thing you learned that you plan to use?


Resources to keep learning

What we didn’t get to


Code blocks that use braces around the language name (e.g. ```{r}) are executable, and will be run by Quarto during render.

#| label: fig-airquality
#| fig-cap: "Temperature and ozone level."
#| warning: false


ggplot(airquality, aes(Temp, Ozone)) + 
  geom_point() + 
  geom_smooth(method = "loess")

What we didn’t get to


You can use the freeze option to denote that computational documents should never be re-rendered during a global project render, or alternatively only be re-rendered when their source file changes:

  freeze: true  # never re-render during project render
  freeze: auto  # re-render only when source changes

Share what you have

  • keep sharing in Discord, we learn better together

  • Quarto Team Meetup, Tuesday 12:00 – 12:40pm

  • The quarto team will be in the Lounge Wednesday morning

Submit feedback before you leave

Your feedback is crucial! Data from the survey informs curriculum and format decisions for future conf workshops and we really appreciate you taking the time to provide it.