4 - Monitor your model

Intro to MLOps with vetiver

Plan for this workshop

  • Versioning
    • Managing change in models ✅
  • Deploying
    • Putting models in REST APIs 🎯
  • Monitoring
    • Tracking model performance 👀

Data for model development

Data that you use while building a model for training/testing


path <- here::here("data", "housing.parquet")
housing <- read_parquet(path)


import pandas as pd

housing = pd.read_parquet("../data/housing.parquet")

Data for model monitoring

New data that you predict on after your model deployed


path <- here::here("data", "housing_monitoring.parquet")
housing_new <- read_parquet(path)


import pandas as pd
housing_new = pd.read_parquet('../data/housing_monitoring.parquet')

Data for model monitoring

My model is performing well!

👩🏼‍🔧 My model returns predictions quickly, doesn’t use too much memory or processing power, and doesn’t have outages.


  • latency
  • memory and CPU usage
  • uptime

My model is performing well!

👩🏽‍🔬 My model returns predictions that are close to the true values for the predicted quantity.


  • accuracy
  • F1 score
  • RMSE
  • log loss

Model drift 📉

DATA drift

Model drift 📉


When should you retrain your model? 🧐

Your turn 🏺


Using our data, what could be an example of data drift? Concept drift?


Monitor your model’s inputs

Monitor your model’s inputs

Typically it is most useful to compare to your model development data1

Monitor your model’s inputs

Monitor your model’s inputs

Your turn 🏺


Create a plot or table comparing the development vs. monitoring distributions of a model input/feature.

How might you make this comparison if you didn’t have all the model development data available when monitoring?

What summary statistics might you record during model development, to prepare for monitoring?


Monitor your model’s outputs

Monitor your model’s outputs

  • If a realtor used a model like this one before putting a house on the market, they would get:
    • A predicted price from their model
    • A real price result after the home was sold
  • In this case, we can monitor our model’s statistical performance
  • If you don’t ever get a “real” result, you can still monitor the distribution of your outputs

Monitor your model’s outputs


from vetiver import vetiver_endpoint, predict, compute_metrics, plot_metrics
from sklearn.metrics import root_mean_squared_error, r2_score, mean_absolute_error
from datetime import timedelta
import numpy as np

url = "https://pub.demo.posit.team/public/seattle-housing-python/predict"
endpoint = vetiver_endpoint(url)
housing_new["pred"] = predict(endpoint = url, 
    data = housing_new[["bedrooms", "bathrooms", "sqft_living", "yr_built"]])
housing_new["price"] = np.log10(housing_new["price"])

td = timedelta(weeks = 2)
metric_set = [root_mean_squared_error, r2_score, mean_absolute_error]

m = compute_metrics(
    data = housing_new,
    date_var = "date", 
    period = td,
    metric_set = metric_set,
    truth = "price",
    estimate = "pred")

metrics_plot = plot_metrics(m).update_yaxes(matches = None)

Monitor your model’s outputs

Monitor your model’s outputs


url <- "https://pub.demo.posit.team/public/seattle-housing-rstats/predict"
endpoint <- vetiver_endpoint(url)

augment(endpoint, new_data = housing_new) |>
    mutate(price = log10(price)) |>
        metric_set = metric_set(rmse, rsq, mae)
    ) |>

Monitor your model’s outputs

Your turn 🏺


Use the functions for metrics monitoring from vetiver to create a monitoring visualization.

Choose a different set of metrics or time aggregation.

Note that there are functions for using pins as a way to version and update monitoring results too!


Feedback loops 🔁

Deployment of an ML model may alter the training data

  • Movie recommendation systems on Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, etc
  • Identifying fraudulent credit card transactions at Stripe
  • Recidivism models

Feedback loops can have unexpected consequences

Feedback loops 🔁

  • Users take some action as a result of a prediction
  • Users rate or correct the quality of a prediction
  • Produce annotations (crowdsource or expert)
  • Produce feedback automatically

Your turn 🏺


What is a possible feedback loop for the Seattle housing data?

Do you think your example would be harmful or helpful? To whom?


ML metrics ➡️ organizational outcomes

  • Are machine learning metrics like F1 score or RMSE what matter to your organization?
  • Consider how ML metrics are related to important outcomes or KPIs for your business or org
  • There isn’t always a 1-to-1 mapping 😔
  • You can partner with stakeholders to monitor what’s truly important about your model

Your turn 🏺


Let’s say that the most important organizational outcome for a Seattle realtor is how accurate a pricing model is in terms of percentage on prices in USD rather than an absolute value. (Think about being 20% wrong vs. $20,000 wrong.)

We can measure this with the mean absolute percentage error.

Compute this quantity with the monitoring data, and aggregate by week/month, number of bedrooms/bathrooms, or waterfront status.

For extra credit, make a visualization showing your results.


ML metrics ➡️ organizational outcomes

augment(endpoint, housing_new) |> 
    mutate(.pred = 10 ^ .pred) |> 
    group_by(waterfront) |> 
    mape(price, .pred)
#> # A tibble: 2 × 4
#>   waterfront .metric .estimator .estimate
#>   <lgl>      <chr>   <chr>          <dbl>
#> 1 FALSE      mape    standard        29.5
#> 2 TRUE       mape    standard        52.0
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_percentage_error

housing_new \
    .groupby("waterfront") \
    .apply(lambda x: mean_absolute_percentage_error(
        y_pred= 10 ** x["pred"], y_true= 10 ** x["price"]), include_groups=False)
#> waterfront
#> False    0.304799
#> True     0.531649
#> dtype: float64

Possible model monitoring artifacts

  • Adhoc analysis that you post in Slack
  • Report that you share in Google Drive
  • Fully automated dashboard published to Posit Connect

Possible model monitoring artifacts

Your turn 🏺


Create a Quarto report or R Markdown dashboard for model monitoring.

Publish your document to Connect.


We made it! 🎉

Your turn 🏺


What is one thing you learned that surprised you?

What is one thing you learned that you plan to use?


Resources to keep learning

Follow Posit and/or us on your preferred social media for updates!

Submit feedback before you leave 🗳️


Your feedback is crucial! Data from the survey informs curriculum and format decisions for future conf workshops and we really appreciate you taking the time to provide it.