posit::conf(2024) workshops

Title Instructor(s) Description Link to materials
Advanced Tidymodels Max Kuhn An advanced class to learn how to use tidymodels to optimize different models, conduct feature engineering, and other activities. https://workshops.tidymodels.org
Big Data in R with Arrow Nic Crane, Steph Hazlitt An introduction to Apache Arrow for creating efficient analysis pipelines with larger-than-memory data in R. https://posit-conf-2024.github.io/arrow
Build-a-Dashboard Workshop (with Quarto, R and/or Python) Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel Create sleek, elegant, and eye-catching dashboards with static and/or interactive elements with Quarto. For R and Python users. https://posit-conf-2024.github.io/quarto-dashboards
Causal Inference in R Malcolm Barrett, Travis Gerke Learn to answer causal questions with causal diagrams, propensity score modeling, and more. https://r-causal.github.io/causal_workshop_website
Data Science Workflows with Posit Tools — Python Focus Sam Edwardes, Gagandeep Singh Build an opinionated and Pythonic data science workflow using Posit’s professional products and open-source tools. https://ferryland.posit.team
Data Science Workflows with Posit Tools — R Focus Ryan Johnson, Katie Masiello Use open source packages and Posit’s professional tools — Workbench, Connect, and Package Manager — to improve your end-to-end data science workflows. https://posit-conf-2024.github.io/ds-workflows-r
Databases with R Kirill Müller An introduction to databases and DuckDB with R. https://github.com/posit-conf-2024/databases
DevOps for Data Scientists Rika Gorn This workshop is intended for data scientists who wish to learn more about the basic principles and tools of DevOps and to get hands-on experience putting DevOps workflows into production. https://github.com/posit-conf-2024/dev-ops
Effective data visualization with ggplot2 Claus O. Wilke Level up your figure design skills with advanced tips and tricks for ggplot2 and with fundamental principles of visual communication. https://github.com/posit-conf-2024/dataviz-r
Flavors of the pharmaverse Daniel D. Sjoberg, Becca Krouse, Daniel D. Sjoberg, Ellis Hughes, Andrew Bates, Casey Aguilar-Gervase High level overview of the scope and tools available within the pharmaverse for the clinical pipeline, including tools for ADaM data set curation, creating Analysis Results Data Sets, and TLGs. https://posit-conf-2024.github.io/pharmaverse
From R User to R Programmer Emma Rand, Ian Lyttle Improve your R programming skills and reduce the amount of duplication in your code. https://posit-conf-2024.github.io/programming-r
Intro to MLOps with vetiver Isabel Zimmerman, Julia Silge Utilize the vetiver framework in Python and R for efficient versioning, deployment, and monitoring of machine learning models in production. https://posit-conf-2024.github.io/vetiver
Introduction to Data Science with Python Posit Academy Team Learn the foundations of Python for data science through a cohort-based, mentor-led, hands-on apprenticeship for working professionals. Virtual pre-conf workshop only
Introduction to Data Science with R and Tidyverse Posit Academy Team Learn the foundations of R for data science through a cohort-based, mentor-led, hands-on apprenticeship for working professionals. https://intro-tidyverse-2024.netlify.app
Introduction to Quarto Andrew Bray Author a rich array of documents in Quarto. https://posit-conf-2024.github.io/quarto-intro
Introduction to Shiny for Python Garrett Grolemund, Andrie de Vries Learn the basic building blocks of Shiny for Python, including the new Shiny Express syntax. https://posit-conf-2024.github.io/intro-to-shiny-for-python
Introduction to Shiny for R Colin Rundel Introduction to builing interactive web apps using Shiny and R https://posit-conf-2024.github.io/shiny-r-intro
Introduction to machine learning in Python with Scikit-learn Tiffany Timbers, Trevor Campbell Machine learning with tabular data using Python’s the Scikit-learn framework. https://posit-conf-2024.github.io/ml-python
Introduction to tidymodels Hannah Frick, Simon Couch Machine learning with tabular data using the tidymodels framework. https://workshops.tidymodels.org
Level Up with Shiny for R Garrick Aden-Buie Level up your Shiny skills to build complex applications with brilliant user interfaces. https://posit-conf-2024.github.io/level-up-shiny
Making Tables with gt and Great Tables Richard Iannone, Michael Chow Create publication-quality tables with gt and Great Tables. For R and Python users. https://github.com/posit-conf-2024/tables
Package Development: The Rest of the Owl Jenny Bryan Learn what’s different about writing R code that lives in a package (vs. a script). https://pos.it/pkg_dev_24
Quarto Websites Charlotte Wickham, Emil Hvitfeldt Build a website from scratch with Quarto. https://posit-conf-2024.github.io/quarto-websites
R in Production Hadley Wickham Learn how to write robust R code that both works reliably in production, and when it fails, is easy to debug. https://github.com/posit-conf-2024/r-in-production
Using Databricks with R Edgar Ruiz Overview of the latests methods to connect, and interact with Databricks services. https://posit-conf-2024.github.io/databricks
What They Forgot To Teach You About R Shannon Pileggi, E. David Aja This workshop is designed to level up experienced R programmers in debugging and personal R administration. https://github.com/posit-conf-2024/wtf
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