

Emma Rand and Ian Lyttle

You will need:

Install R and RStudio

We will use:

  • R version >= 4.4
  • RStudio >= 2024.04

However, as long as you are using R >= 4.2, and a recent version of RStudio, you should be fine.

Install packages

Most of the packages we use are imported by tidyverse and devtools:

install.packages(c("devtools", "tidyverse", "palmerpenguins", "here"))

In case of any installation problems, you will also have access to a Posit Cloud hosted RStudio project.


During the workshop we will have experienced helpers to troubleshoot and will use Discord to enhance workshop interactions:

Closer to the start of the conference, we will invite you to the posit::conf Discord server. Once you’ve accepted the invitation, we will add you to the channel(s) for your conference workshop(s).