You will need:
- R and RStudio
- To install some packages
- To connect to Discord, for in-class interaction
Install R and RStudio
We will use:
- R version >= 4.4
- RStudio >= 2024.04
However, as long as you are using R >= 4.2, and a recent version of RStudio, you should be fine.
Install packages
Most of the packages we use are imported by tidyverse
and devtools
install.packages(c("devtools", "tidyverse", "palmerpenguins", "here"))
In case of any installation problems, you will also have access to a Posit Cloud hosted RStudio project.
During the workshop we will have experienced helpers to troubleshoot and will use Discord to enhance workshop interactions:
- Please sign up for an account if you don’t already have one.
- Make sure your display name is the one you used to register for the conference.
- In your “About Me”, put the name of your workshop(s).
Closer to the start of the conference, we will invite you to the posit::conf Discord server. Once you’ve accepted the invitation, we will add you to the channel(s) for your conference workshop(s).