Data Manipulation Part 1 - Exercises

nyc_taxi <- open_dataset("data/nyc-taxi/")
Using collect() to run a query

Use the function nrow() to work out the answers to these questions:

  1. How many taxi fares in the dataset had a total amount greater than $100?
nyc_taxi |>
  filter(total_amount > 100) |>
[1] 1518869
Using the dplyr API in arrow
  1. Use the dplyr::filter() and stringr::str_ends() functions to return a subset of the data which is a) from September 2020, and b) the value in vendor_name ends with the letter “S”.

  2. Try to use the stringr function str_replace_na() to replace any NA values in the vendor_name column with the string “No vendor” instead. What happens, and why?

  3. Bonus question: see if you can find a different way of completing the task in question 2.

nyc_taxi |>
  filter(str_ends(vendor_name, "S"), year == 2020,  month == 9) |>
nyc_taxi |>
  mutate(vendor_name = stringr::str_replace_na(vendor_name, "No vendor")) |>
  head() |>

This won’t work as stringr::str_replace_na() hasn’t been implemented in Arrow. You could try using mutate() and ifelse() here instead.

nyc_taxi |>
  mutate(vendor_name = ifelse(, "No vendor", vendor_name)) |>
  head() |>

Or, if you only needed a subset of the data, you could apply the function after collecting it into R memory.

nyc_taxi |>
  filter(year == 2019, month == 10) |> # smaller subset of the data
  collect() |>
  mutate(vendor_name = stringr::str_replace_na(vendor_name, "No vendor"))