Pre-workshop Instructions

Prior to the workshop check you have the required software, set up any accounts you might need for publishing your site, and collect a few items that will help you make as much progress on your site as possible.

Required Software

If you have any trouble with the software requirements, we will have a Posit Cloud workspace available with everything you need already installed. We’ll share the link to join on the day.

Optional Publishing Accounts

To publish your website you’ll need an account on one of Quarto’s publishing venues:


There are a few things you might like to collect before arriving:

  • An photo/image you would like on your home page
  • A paragraph about who you are (or what your site is about)
  • A list of projects, talks, classes, or publications
  • Any existing Quarto documents you would like to include in your site

Join the Workshop Discord Channel

The Discord server will be available after August 8th:

  • Login
  • Click on “Join Discord, the virtual networking platform!”
  • Browse Channels -> #workshop-quarto-websites